Our Finance Solutions

With only a brief conversation, our qualified professionals can assess your financing needs and give you immediate feedback. All you have to do is call!



Equipment Dealers, VAR’s & OEMS’s

Northpoint Commercial Credit is a leader in providing innovative financing programs to equipment dealers, manufacturers, and value-added resellers. We strive to understand the intricacies of your industry and sales objectives of your organization in order to develop the most effective financing solutions for your customers. Each Northpoint program is specifically tailored to accomplish the following benefits:

  • Maximize equipment sales
  • Shorten the sales cycle
  • Maximize equipment affordability and customer ROI w/ equipment
  • Competitive differentiation
  • Preserve desired profit margins
  • Maximize customer satisfaction

Without a good equipment financing program in place, you may find that customers look to other companies for the equipment they need. Let the vendor finance experts at Northpoint Commercial Credit help you with your company’s financing options and start expanding your customer base today!